Category Archives: Grace Flow Therapy™

Healing From Relationship Wounds After a Bad Breakup

healing relationship wounds

Healing from relationship wounds can be really difficult especially when we spend time ruminating the different scenarios of how things played out in the relationship or beating ourselves up for staying in the relationship for too long. This keeps us trapped in an emotional turmoil. But it isn’t just an emotional storm; it reverberates through […]

How Childhood Experiences Affect Your Adult Relationship Choices

Have you ever wondered why you’re drawn to certain relationships or why some patterns seem familiar in your love life? Maybe you want to change the pattern but you find yourself unable to change the types of relationships you keep drawing in. It’s important to first become aware of how you have formed these choices, […]

10 Benefits of Mastering GFT

The Benefits that can be achieved via Grace Flow Therapy™(GFT) are numerous, as it is an extraordinary approach to the development of excellence, human communication and change. When all is said and done, with you are learning the principles of your mind and eventually, other people’s mind, also it helps you achieve self-awareness and find […]

S.M.A.R.T Goals

A S.M.A.R.T goal is one with the following features; S-specific, M-measurable, A-achievable, R-realistic, and T-timely. This is how the acronym S.M.A.R.T has been derived. (T) can also mean Tangible: A tangible goal is one with a sense we can actually experience. A sense such as, touch, smell, hearing or taste. A tangible goal is easily […]

How Can Grace Flow Therapy Help Me?

So you have been hearing about Grace Flow Therapy and you have decided to give it a try but not without knowing how it can be of help to you. You are reading the right post. In this post we have taken out time to analyse the numerous benefits which GFT can offer to you. […]

How to Gain Self-Confidence Using GFT

Self confidence is very important as it affects our productivity in almost every aspect of our lives. This is why it is important to improve this self-confidence and one way of doing that is by applying the principles of Grace Flow Therapy™. By using GFT, one can strengthen and gain confidence that can be compared […]

Prime Directives of the Unconscious Mind

An understanding of what drives the unconscious mind, in other words, it’s critical responsibilities, is needed in order to be able to work with it to affect a durable change. The unconscious mind is absolutely humble to orders and enjoy serving, all you need is give it a clear order. This is because the unconscious […]

Perceptual Positions

You have probably heard of the saying “Before criticizing someone, try walking a mile in his shoes.” This saying reminds us that we cannot really understand what our listeners truly feel until we are able to bring ourselves to the point of feeling what they feel, seeing what they see and hearing what they hear. […]

Meta Programs

Meta-programs are ways of thinking that direct your behaviors, actions, decisions and interactions with others. In other words, they are mental processes/shortcuts which manage, direct, and guide other mental processes to achieve a desired outcome. They determine what your brain pays attention to and how it pays attention to it. They depend on your external […]