Prime Directives of the Unconscious Mind

An understanding of what drives the unconscious mind, in other words, it’s critical responsibilities, is needed in order to be able to work with it to affect a durable change. The unconscious mind is absolutely humble to orders and enjoy serving, all you need is give it a clear order. This is because the unconscious […]

Perceptual Positions

You have probably heard of the saying “Before criticizing someone, try walking a mile in his shoes.” This saying reminds us that we cannot really understand what our listeners truly feel until we are able to bring ourselves to the point of feeling what they feel, seeing what they see and hearing what they hear. […]

Meta Programs

Meta-programs are ways of thinking that direct your behaviors, actions, decisions and interactions with others. In other words, they are mental processes/shortcuts which manage, direct, and guide other mental processes to achieve a desired outcome. They determine what your brain pays attention to and how it pays attention to it. They depend on your external […]

How to Overcome Anxiety

Medically, we are all aware of the implications of anxiety. It has several adverse effects that way of reducing anxiety is concern to many. Grace Flow Therapy™ to the rescue. Before we delve into different methods of overcoming anxiety, you must first understand that your conscious mind did not create your anxiety, but your subconscious […]

How to Develop Your Emotional Intelligence

As we learn more about what makes people successful in business and even in terms of leadership, researchers professionals have now moved on from the usual attributes of Intelligence Quotient (IQ) towards Emotional Intelligence(EQ). And EQ is now considered a very essential ingredient in the make-up of potential leaders. Conversely to our IQ, our EQ […]

5 Strategies to Unlock your Higher Self

The highly religious folks like to think it is God on one shoulder and the devil on the other. But those two voices you often hear from within you are actually your survival instinct and your higher self. While your survival instinct tries to look for things that are not supposedly right and point them […]