How to Gain Self-Confidence Using GFT

Self confidence is very important as it affects our productivity in almost every aspect of our lives. This is why it is important to improve this self-confidence and one way of doing that is by applying the principles of Grace Flow Therapy™. By using GFT, one can strengthen and gain confidence that can be compared to confidence gained through experience. Self Confidence is a simple psychological tool that provides us with power. And the lack of it is the reason why it is so hard for a great number of people to achieve. Confidence works as either the positive or negative self-fuelling cycle.

How to Develop Self Confidence Using GFT
The good news is that Grace Flow Therapy™ is offering a way of improving your confidence so that you can achieve all of the lofty dreams you have in your head. To do this, the steps below are starting points.

  1. Picture it as a golden aura
    Imagine confidence as a golden aura you can put over yourself, walk up to a group of people and make them love you because you are so friendly and confident. Having the mindset that everyone would love you even before you start talking. With this imagination you can feel how confidence flows within you.
  2. See yourself in the confident world
    Your conscious mind cannot distinguish between a real memory and an imagined memory. You can use this fact to your advantage by imagining yourself in that world where you are filled with confidence
  3. Have confidence in unknown setting.
    Imagine yourself in an unknown setting. Imagine yourself walking up to a group of strangers in a party, who are talking amongst themselves, as you approach them confidently, they smile with their eyes, and you instantly get a feeling that they are interested in you. You join them and merge in with their conversation and you are not acting differently, and everyone loves your company because you are being yourself. see how confident you can be by being yourself.
  4. Stepping into the future
    The brain can’t distinguish the difference between what is real and what is imagined. Have you ever had a sleepless night because you are thinking of an unpleasant event that would happen the next day? Since the brain can do this why not use it to your advantage by thinking about pleasant and desirable outcomes that make you happy. This is achieved with the application of GFT.
  5. Changing your self-talk
    Your self-talk can either develop or hinder the growth of your self confidence, and a big component of our low confidence is due to our negative self-talks. This can easily be fixed with or without the application of Grace Flow Therapy™.
    Meditate and figure out the quality and exact location of that voice in you. Your right? Your left? Having known all these things, try altering these voice by trying to move it to another location, trying to turn down the volume and consider it the voice of a cartoon, in order for you to have less regard for it.
  6. The power of dissociation
    Have you ever noticed that when we feel an emotion about something that is yet to happen, we experience this event as if it is happening to us at that point. We feel, hear and see exactly what we would in the real event. It is recommended we visualise our emotion coming out from us. From this perspective, seeing yourself over there means you are dissociated. The dissociation can be made more powerful by imagining a glass wall between you and the situation.
  7. Do not hold confidence in awe
    One needs to understand that confidence is a small emotional loop happening in the limbic system of the brain, so why hold it in fear or awe? And make yourself think it is difficult to get, when it’s not. You are wholly in control of your confidence at all times.
    In Grace Flow Therapy™ we speak the language of the unconscious mind and give it direct and accurate instructions. With the above techniques, that low self-confidence can be replaced with a sense of self-confidence. With that sense of self your goals will be attained easily and anything you attempt will feel easier. Rather than having your unconscious mind conflict with your goals and desires.