The Science of Attraction in Relationships

childhood experiences and adult relationships

Have you ever been curious on how to get a guy to commit to a relationship? Or maybe you ask yourself, “how do I attract a devoted man into my life?”

First we need to understand the science of attraction. You know that feeling often leaves us with butterflies in our stomach? Something inside us seem to spark an unmistakable chemistry that leaves us spellbound…

Attraction, on a fundamental level, is a neurobiological process deeply rooted in our brains. It is driven by a complex interplay of neurotransmitters, hormones, and the need for survival, designed to ensure the continuation of mankind.

In this blog we are going to uncover the science of attraction in relationships and some tips on how you can intentionally create a dynamic to spark more passion in your relationships or learn how to get a guy to commit to a relationship.

Firstly let us discuss the basics of the science of attraction.

The Role of Dopamine:
Attraction is often accompanied by a surge of dopamine—a neurotransmitter associated with pleasure and reward. When we encounter someone who piques our interest or meets our preferences, our brain releases dopamine, creating feelings of excitement and happiness. This chemical reward system reinforces the desire to seek out and connect with the person who triggers this response.

The Influence of Oxytocin:
Often referred to as the “love hormone” or “bonding hormone,” oxytocin plays a crucial role in deepening connections between partners. It is released during physical touch, intimacy, and moments of emotional closeness, fostering feelings of trust and attachment. The presence of oxytocin reinforces the magnetic pull, strengthening the desire to explore and deepen the connection.

The Need for Survival:
From a survival standpoint, attraction serves as a mechanism to promote procreation and the passing on of genes. Attraction to certain traits or characteristics in potential partners, such as physical fitness or nurturing qualities, may have provided survival and reproductive advantages to our ancestors. As a result, these preferences are imprinted in our DNA, influencing our attractions in the modern world.

So how can we intentionally create more attraction in our relationships?

First we need to understand the ancient rhythm of hunters and gatherers that allowed us as a human race to survive. As mentioned, attraction is closely related to qualities and characteristics that allow us to meet our deep needs and to survive.

Imagine a time long ago, when our ancestors lived in close-knit communities as hunters and gatherers, they relied on their unique strengths and complementary roles to ensure the survival of their communities.

Men, as hunters, are physically built, single focussed and driven with purpose to protect and provide for their tribe. These qualities were crucial for tracking and capturing prey, which provided essential sustenance and protection for the tribe. They were the guardians and defenders, ready to face the dangers of the wilderness.

Women, as gatherers, exhibited their own set of strengths. They possessed a heightened sense of intuition, emotional intelligence, and a deep connection with nature. Their nurturing instincts allowed them to forage for fruits, vegetables, and other resources, ensuring the tribe’s nutritional needs were met. Women were the heart of the community, providing emotional support and fostering cohesion among tribe members.

The dance of yin and yang was evident in their partnership. Men’s physical prowess and determination perfectly complemented women’s emotional intelligence and nurturing nature. This interdependence created a harmonious and secure environment, where each member of the tribe played a vital role in sustaining the community.

In this setting, survival depended on collaboration and appreciation of each other’s unique contributions. The strengths of men and women were inherently different, yet essential for the collective survival of the tribe. By embracing their contrasting qualities, they created a balance that promoted the well-being of the entire community.

As we gain deeper understanding of our need for survival and how it is imprinted in our DNA, we better understand how important it is to use our energies in order to attract the polar opposite energy. Often a lost of attraction can be due to individuals not being able to step into their natural energies to create the “spark” of passion. Instead of the masculine stepping into their provider and protector role, they might feel emasculated and stay stagnant, and instead of the feminine feeling safe enough to be in her radiant essence, she’s always stressed. This creates an imbalance in energies in the relationship.

Not only does stepping into our natural energies spark attraction, but when you’re in your feminine essence, you can activate a masculine’s purpose to protect and provide for you. When a devoted healthy masculine finds purpose in being around you, he is inspired to stay. It is hard for the masculine to want to stay in a relationship where he is not needed, this is why there is so much beauty in allowing the masculine to help and support you — it gives them a sense of purpose.

A passionate healthy relationship can be intentionally created by learning to access our feminine and masculine energies in order to dance with polarity and attraction. However this can be difficult when we have wounding that creates a safety mechanism which causes us to struggle to be in our natural energies.

If you want to create more spark, passion and attraction in your relationships, the first step is to explore your own wounds so that you can become your most radiant self and inspire those around you to step into theirs.

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